Microblading Technique is the one thing that most artists wishes they could improve. So it makes sense why Microblading Training is the most valuable thing you can invest in as an existing artist perfecting her craft or a new artist starting a her career.
With this in mind, I am super excited to FINALLY share some news with you about our brand new goodie made with you, the microblading artist, in mind. Check out the video below as well as the additional value sprinkled throughout the rest of this blog!
It's no secret we've launched the Brow Envy Training Academy and we're so thankful of the warm welcome and positive reception its gotten! While it's good to celebrate, a big component of growing is welcoming constructive criticism and feedback. Thankfully, you all are so helpful as we design the direction of digital learning and courses to provide for you :)
One thing we heard loud and clear was that you all would love to see a microblading technique training course launched in the Brow Envy Academy Membership. So we did just that! When you join for $97 a month (no contracts or commitments), you get access to our brand new course "3 Techniques To Getting Amazing Microblading Results", which is now live on the Brow Envy Training Academy Page in addition to the previously posted courses. On top of all that you'll be getting a brand new course every single month, guaranteed.
I am going to lay out below what all you get in this course specifically just to give you a sense of what is waiting for you!
Chapter 1: Your Course Roadmap & Introduction
Here you get a big hello and welcome video from yours truly telling you what to expect and also inviting you to download all your microblading training resources. These resources include:
A 2-part downloadable microblading training manual that serves as the course content you read and can follow along while you work through the video modules in the course. You can also always revisit this content and study previous learning modules to dust off a specific area of your skills.
A microblading technique workbook so you can put into practice everything we cover in the digital courses and start to make progress that your clients will notice.
Full access to our online community of like-minded artists to ask any microblading or business growth questions you have/will have in the future. You now have a place where microblading artists have your back :)
Click The EBook Covers To Get Access Today!
Chapter 2: Stretch
More than likely if you are not seeing your work transfer from paper/practice skin when you transition to live models, it's due to lack of stretch. Nothing really matters if you don't have stretch:
Not the beautiful pattern you mapped.
Not the color you picked.
Not the pattern that you can do.
The skin on the face moves more than just about any skin on the face. We discuss in this chapter how critical it is and the proper way to stretch the skin to maximize your microblading results.
Chapter 3: Angle
You can have a good stretch but that doesn't necessarily mean that you are going to produce crisp microblading lines. Sometimes, they will seem crooked or wobbly.
Learn this simple, but powerful, needle angle technique to make your microblading much more effortless and create much cleaner lines for better work.
Chapter 4: Pressure
This module is about explaining the misconceptions about pressure and how to harness it to get amazing microblading results. You may be surprised at the information in this lesson but mastering it can make a huge difference in your long-term results as well as increasing your book of business!
Improved Microblading Results & Happier Clients Are Waiting
It's time to start investing in yourself, your business, and your future! What better way than to begin your journey than with our brand new course 3 Techniques To Getting Amazing Microblading Results and also unlock access to all of the other courses waiting!
Click here or the graphic below to check out the Brow Envy Training Academy Monthly Membership information. Don't let another day pass without investing in your future - let's grow together!
Have any questions? Click here or email me (Amber Harrison) at browenvycincytraining@gmail.com and we can make sure all your questions are answered and get you growing today!